Observation Opportunities
SALTS has compiled a list of organisations which have stated that they offer observation (and/or volunteering) opportunities. Please contact the services directly to arrange for observation sessions.
As this list is non-exhaustive, you may write in on your own to other organisations to enquire for other available opportunities.
If you would like to list your organisation here, please fill in this form.
Updated as of January 2025.
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Rehabilitation Centre @ NHCS Level 7
Contact information: June Lee, june.lee.m.s@kkh.com.sg
Observation opportunities: Some half day outpatient paediatric communication clinics are available.
Contact: Fill in interest form here
Observation opportunities only applicable to those 17 years old and above
Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS)
SLP Department
Contact information: slp@cpas.org.sg
Observation opportunities: We can accommodate both half/full day for all programmes (school and EIPIC; Day Activity Centre / DAC, if possible).
Volunteering opportunities: Nature of duties involve opportunities to observe therapists in session, discussion of sessions with therapists, making resources for clients and department, assisting with project resources (if any). There is no formally required minimum commitment level - It depends on the volunteer's availability (e.g. duration, half/full day).
CV is not a must but would be good include for us to understand more about their relevant skills/experience (if applicable).
Note: Both observation and volunteering opportunities are unpaid.
Fei Yue Community Services
Ark Allied Health and Counselling Services Department
Contact information: Valerene Tan, Valerenetan@fycs.org
Observation opportunities: Half-day observation opportunities, in Early Intervention Centre for Infants and Children are provided. Applicants are required to provide a CV and a lead time of 2 weeks for manpower planning and clearance purposes.
Volunteering opportunities: The nature of duties includes preparing resources as instructed by the therapist. Basic IT skills - use of Microsoft Word, Powerpoint required. Volunteers will be taught to use the laminator and other equipment if required.
Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS)
Lee Kong Chian Gardens School | Woodlands Gardens School | Fernvale Gardens School | Towner Gardens School
Contact information: Dave Lai, dave.lai@minds.org.sg
Observation opportunities: Half/Full day observation for paediatric services (school-aged 7 to 18 years old).
Volunteering opportunities: Opportunities to support therapists (e.g. create therapy). Can be either full day or half day. Alternatively, please refer to MINDS website for other volunteer opportunities https://www.minds.org.sg/volunteer
For either opportunities above, applicants are strongly recommended to provide a CV so that we can better understand or support your learning needs.
Contact information: Serene Chai, serene_chai@spd.org.sg
Observation opportunities: Half day at paediatric (early intervention) and/or adult services (e.g. day rehab), CV and 2 week lead time required.
Volunteering opportunities: Please refer to SPD website for specific volunteer opportunities; https://www.spd.org.sg/get-involved/volunteer-with-us/
THK Moral Charities
Contact information: tsd.referral@thkmc.org.sg
Observation opportunities: Half or full day available programmes include both paediatric (Children Therapy Centres, EIPIC) and adult (day rehab centres, home therapy, residential homes for disabled adults, sheltered workshops)
Volunteering opportunities: Minimum 1 day engaging children or elderly in activities resource making gamification or digitising therapy materials
Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS)
Lee Kong Chian Gardens School | Woodlands Gardens School | Fernvale Gardens School | Towner Gardens School
Contact information: Dave Lai, dave.lai@minds.org.sg
Observation opportunities: Half/Full day observation for paediatric services (school-aged 7 to 18 years old).
Volunteering opportunities: Opportunities to support therapists (e.g. create therapy). Can be either full day or half day. Alternatively, please refer to MINDS website for other volunteer opportunities https://www.minds.org.sg/volunteer
For either opportunities above, applicants are strongly recommended to provide a CV so that we can better understand or support your learning needs.
Rainbow Centre - Admiral Hill School
Contact information: Syirah, nurulinsyirahzulkifli@rainbowcentre.org.sg & Angel Lee, angellee@rainbowcentre.org.sg
Observation opportunities: Either half or full day class observations, CV is required upon application.
Volunteering opportunities: Apply here https://calendly.com/rcvolunteers
THK Moral Charities
Contact information: tsd.referral@thkmc.org.sg
Observation opportunities available: Half or full day available programmes include both paediatric (Children Therapy Centres, EIPIC) and adult (day rehab centres, home therapy, residential homes for disabled adults, sheltered workshops)
Volunteering opportunities: Minimum 1 day engaging children or elderly in activities resource making gamification or digitising therapy materials
Dynamics Speech Pte Ltd
Contact information: Agnes Ho, agnes_ho@therapy.com.sg
Observation opportunities: Yes. One Sch Term (10 weeks). Half / Full day. CV required. Volunteer and observation with a multi-disciplinary team in our international Sch/ EIP.
Volunteering opportunities: Yes. One Sch Term (10 weeks). Half / Full day. CV required. Volunteer and observation with a multi-disciplinary team in our international Sch/ EIP.
Ohana Therapy
Contact information: Ohana Therapy, info@ohanatherapy.sg
Observation opportunities: CV required
Volunteering opportunities: CV required
Speech Bubbles
Contact information: Daniel Woon, 97482908
Observation opportunities: Half day only; observations will be based at our therapy centre in Kovan; CV required.
TLC Speech Clinic
Contact information: Meng Yi Yui, contact@tlcspeechclinic.com
Observation opportunities: Half/full day, at least 3 months, CV required, volunteer/observation of a multidisciplinary team including EIP.
Volunteering opportunities: As above.