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Advertisement Requests

Fill this form to advertise with us!

Submission type

Our preferred payment options are PayPal and Paynow. Alternatively, you may choose to pay via Internet Bank Transfer, cheque, money order or cashier’s order.

Methods of payment:
1. PayPal
You will need a valid credit card for this payment option.


2. Paynow

Paynow to S94SS0087H

3. Internet Bank Transfer

Account Name: Speech And Language Therapy Singapore (SALTS)

Bank Name: Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited

Bank Code: 7144

Branch Code: 001

Account Number: 01-0-749586-4

Bank Swift Code: SCBLSG22

Address: 6 Battery Road Singapore 049909

After payment, please e-mail the following information to the Treasurer at for verification:

I-Banking Nickname

Date of transaction

Amount paid

Payment purpose – Advertisement booking (Invoice no.)

Transaction reference no.

If you have any questions related to payment matters, please email the Treasurer at

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