Who are Speech Therapists
Speech and Language Therapists, also known as Speech Therapists or Speech Pathologists, are allied health professionals.
Speech pathologists help you communicate, or when you have trouble eating and drinking.
They are university educated allied health professionals.
Speech pathologists work with people of all ages.
They help you when you have trouble understanding and talking with other others. They help with reading, spelling and using technology or other ways to communicate.
Speech pathologists also help people who have trouble swallowing, which can make eating and drinking difficult.
What conditions do speech therapists work with?
Speech and Language Therapists work with people of different ages across a wide range of swallowing and communication conditions.
Speech or articulation disorders. People with a speech disorder can find it difficult to properly form certain word sounds. These can include lisps, and muscle or nerve disorders affecting the movement of the articulators such as the tongue or jaw.
Resonance disorders. People with resonance disorders typically have a nasal quality to their speech. This can be due to a blockage of airflow in the nose while speaking, or a leak of air up to the nose when speaking. These difficulties can be associated with cleft palate or radiation therapy to the head and neck area.
Receptive language disorders. People with receptive language disorder can find it difficult to process what they read or hear. This is sometimes referred to as receptive aphasia.
Expressive language disorders. People with expressive language disorder can find it difficult to express themselves in speech or writing. It is possible for both receptive and expressive language disorders or aphasia to occur together.
Cognitive-communication difficulties. People with cognitive-communication difficulties can have difficulty remembering things, maintaining attention, making logical decisions, and solving problems. This can sometimes be due to neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or dementia.
Fluency difficulties. People with difficulties with speech fluency can have trouble starting to sound out a word, have an interrupted flow of speech, or repeat part or all of a word. Stuttering is an example of a fluency disorder.
Swallowing disorders. People with swallowing difficulties, or dysphagia, can have difficulties eating and drinking safely and comfortably. Some examples of people who may have this condition include pre-term infants, people with cerebral palsy, and the deconditioned elderly.
Where do Speech Therapists work?
Speech pathologists work in many settings, including:
restructured hospitals
community hospitals
day rehabilitation centres / day care
kindergartens, primary, and secondary schools
residential aged care facilities
mental health services
private practices/clinics
people’s homes
services for people with complex communication needs due to conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy, and intellectual disability.
Speech pathologists also deliver services via telepractice.